sunnuntai 13. lokakuuta 2024

My book #82 in Business of Art Reference

 "  I noticed one of my tens of books having a high sales ranking in one classification: 

"Traditional skills have a place in the midern world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, see , was today #82 in "Business of Art Reference", 

Which I guess is because in it was told of tge piece of news saying lits of things stolen from a house in Mikkeli, and there was my explanation or guess plus kmportantly an advice about learnkng such skklls or good sides, and it seemed kind of so liked and valued that it might interest people wanting children of their own. 


If you do not have so much money, there is an ebook version of the book and I have the impression that such are sometimes returnable on some conditions. There is also a free version at 

Even though I have not noticed any info of my books having sold. 

Now later today 

perjantai 19. heinäkuuta 2024

Lots of advices of skills, talents and wisdom of life

 See my blog "The home and the wisdom of life of a paradise theoretican: Books for..." at which ought to lead to 


29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

maanantai 12. lokakuuta 2015

Finding your own way from the middle of taught skills

Painting, starting again

One way to start painting after a pause is to figure out what would be the natural number of painting attempts in a day or week, taking into account how interested you are in painting, how activa life you live, what is your rythm of doing etc. Then take into account that you have not painted for a long time, so what then would be the naturl number nowadays? Just paint so many attempts in a day or week, regardless of do you succeed or not. Painting is also a question of atmospheres, of social influences, of one's life in general, so all days are not alike. Sometimes you have talked with an aquiantage who is not good at painting, or who is tsuck, so you kind of have to start at a lower levelof skill those days and teach your own skills to yourself agaian. Maybe you could that way develop in having such message in your paintings too, or to a job as an arts teacher. It helps to be opportunistic and to paint the way that goes well nowadays and other kinds of painting attempts just an addition to that. If starting is still difficult, start with something small like coours, or tiny stick figures, or tiny coloured paintings, or drawing like children, maybe making a mosaic. Try to get an ongoing sarts hobby to which your dreams give extra quality, extra energy, extra insight, extra skills and goals to develop toward.

Maybe arts dreams are conceived like feelings, not detailedly like landscapes to paint. So dreaming isn't the right starting poiunt for beginning to pait. Instead watching and living is.

keskiviikko 22. lokakuuta 2014

Getting stuck

Many artists tend to get stuck. Here are some reasons why: When artists pictures something in her mind it is like planning such things, which is quiet and not doing much anything. Action on the contrary has it's own goals, areas of living vividly in the moment, it's own scale of what is good quality and what not.
* Admiring one's own work in order to build something magnifient, leads toward the ways of those moments when you were so much lower than your usual level that you could not achieve anything that high. At your best miments your usual level is something ordunary, not worth much mentioning, so well you reach much higher.
* Getting attached to your own successes, to the art pieces that you have made, teaches you nothing. Instead you should attach yourself more to the works of otgers since they make you rise higher.
* An artist is at her best on special moments of vivid touch with life, sensituvity, insight and emotional wisdom. So trying to park yourself to yoyr best miments tuires you and you lose that high quality since you cannit this way have it all the time.
* Artistic skill is like any other learned theory perspective in that ut is rigid, flat, without insight and makes life cumbersome. Artistic skill needs to be learned anew instead of hanging to it all the time.
* Always doing the same makes one's life narrow and without much things of interest. So one cannot reach one's best without full practical life.
 * Always doing complex things like arts makes one slower as all aquiantages pause their actions to think. The company of stupid and children makes basic things and action stay in the focus.
* Arts are something to do in one's own roads. Yet one longs for like-minded company, teachers, forefigures and talk about arts. So one often attaches ineself to not-so-enthusiastic like-minded people for whom arts oneself once a week would be much.
* Arts need a message, so one easily keeps in one's mind company to the recipients, and so one gets slow like modt who keep company to someone who is not present. Travelling with insight needs individuality very much.